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QWO® Cellulite Treatment
February Special: $700 up to 12 dimples per session or $ 900 up to 24 dimples per session.
New clients only
Doctor Yuriy Yagudin is thrilled to announce early access to QWO®,
the only injectable product FDA-approved to minimize the
appearance of cellulite on the buttocks. Cellulite is
one of the most prevalent, bothersome, and traditionally
difficult-to-treat cosmetic concerns for women. A vast
majority of women are affected by the presence of cellulite
in the lower body and buttocks region, which shows a dimpled,
textured appearance on the skin’s surface. While
cellulite is completely natural and normal, many women
would instead prefer the appearance of smoother, firmer
skin in these areas. The introduction of QWO® is an
exciting non-surgical development in the treatment of
cellulite, and we encourage adult women to consider this
new injectable as a potentially effective way to achieve
smoother-looking buttocks.
To learn more about QWO® and find out if this injectable treatment may be right for you, we welcome you to explore the sections provided below. You can also us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yagudin
The active ingredients in QWO®, enzymes called collagenases,
are believed to act on the fibrous collagen bands that
are largely responsible for creating the appearance of
cellulite. Once injected into the tissue, QWO® works
to release these bands, which pull down on and dimple
the skin. QWO® is also thought to redistribute fat
cells and stimulate the formation of thinner collagen
fibers, further enhancing the quality of results. QWO® injections
should be performed over a series of three treatment sessions,
spaced three weeks apart to produce optimal cellulite
reduction. Best of all, there is no downtime after QWO® treatment,
which means you can return to your usual activities immediately.
The presence and severity of cellulite is not determined by the quantity of fat a person has, rather cellulite is the combined result of genetics, fat distribution, enlarged fat cells, and/or thinner skin. In individuals with prominent cellulite, fibrous bands that connect the fat, muscle, and skin create points of tension on the skin’s surface—while enlarged fat cells also press against the skin—forming a lumpy, dimpled texture. For women, cellulite is generally most prevalent in the lower body and buttocks region. Although cellulite is not a medical concern, it is commonly a cosmetic issue among women who desire smoother, firmer thigh and buttock contours. Due to the fact that cellulite is largely a structural problem within the tissue, fat reduction techniques, such as liposuction and SculpSure®, can not address the root causes of cellulite. Only treatment with QWO® and Cellulaze™ (a more invasive surgical option) have been shown to release the problematic fibrous bands to effectively smooth the appearance of cellulite.
Curious about the science behind QWO®? Watch this informative video that explains how the active ingredients in QWO® are able to smooth the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks.
Before treatment with QWO® can proceed, a consultation with Dr. Petti is required. During this appointment, Dr. Petti will evaluate your concerns, review your medical history, and determine whether you are a good candidate for QWO® injections. Injections are performed at Dr. Petti’s practice and typically take about 10 minutes. During treatment, QWO® is injected into the tissue below each area of cellulite in the buttocks region. Two more treatments are then performed three and six weeks after the initial treatment to complete the prescribed series.
Side-effects after QWO® injections are generally mild and temporary and may include some redness, swelling, bruising, warmth, itching, hardness, and soreness in the treatment areas. In clinical trials, participants did not require any post-treatment downtime after receiving their injections. Any residual bruising response typically lessens with each treatment session.
Results of your QWO® treatment series should start becoming evident within 28 days after your last session. Be aware that it may take up to 10 weeks for the final outcome of treatment to be revealed. The majority of patients who receive all three QWO® treatments see a visible improvement in the appearance of their cellulite—the buttocks generally look smoother and feature a noticeable reduction in dimpling.
Dermacare Medical PC, each
treatment series is customized for the specific needs
and goals of each patient and the full cost for QWO® cellulite
reduction can vary. The best way to find out how much
your treatment may cost is to schedule
a consultation with Dr. Yagudin. During this appointment
he will develop a treatment plan and
provide you with a cost estimate. Our knowledgeable staff
can also answer questions about payment methods, financing options,
treatment scheduling, and more.
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consultation with Dr. Yagudin.
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